Hodbarrow (Millom)
Two areas to dive here the Lagoon itself and the disused Quarry to the south west. Two sites in the lagoon, the pump house and the sea wall and one in the Quarry.
To dive Hodbarrow Lagoon officially permission first needs to be obtained from Wyldecrest Caravan Parks. Parking next to all three dive sites.
Pump House – Park at fork in track – easy access to lake shore and gentle slope into water. Shallow water entry from shingle beach with gradual slope c 200degress to pump house at lowest point (c20-25m?)
Outer wall there are multiple locations for additional exploratory dives, one with easy access being along the outer wall near to Hodbarrow point – short easy walk to lagoon from parking area. The deepest part of the lake is reported at the centre of the new sea wall about 30m (97ft)