Seasearch – Liverpool Docks, January 2022
A second opportunity to dive this unique location earlier this month. Whilst the day itself was sunny and bright there was a chill in the air and the water temperature was just above 4C which restricted the length of the dive somewhat.
Whilst the dock is not deep its waters are clear and its walls and features are host to a huge array of underwater species. Visibility was good and the bright weather made diving a pleasure.
This time we concentrated on a much smaller area than on the previous dive here and tried to pick out a greater variety of features and marine life. Interesting observations were noted on our slates and photographs taken where possible.
Despite the cold water we spotted a large number of small silvery fish fry including spiny sticklebacks, black gobies and pipe fish plus a few shore crabs hiding in the lairs and the odd moon jellyfish
Every inch of the dock walls are covered in life which varies considerably with depth and therefore the amount of light getting through from the surface. Surprisingly the north facing walls appeared more luxuriant growth than those facing south.
Lots of different kinds of red and green feathery sea weeds interspersed by thousands of sea squirts, sponges and anemones.
Hopefully we will be able to persuade Associated British Ports to allow us to hold a research dive one day into the waters of Barrow Docks.